Malformed header from CGI script: [Sat Jul 27 09:53:07 2024] HTML::Template::output() : Unknown item in parse_stack : HTML::Template::DEFAULT at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/HTML/ line 3120. [Sat Jul 27 09:53:07 2024] HTML::Template::output(HTML::Template=HASH(0x56447923c228)) called at /cgi-bin/ line 639 [Sat Jul 27 09:53:07 2024] main::main(undef) called at /cgi-bin/ line 180 Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

Software error:

HTML::Template::output() : Unknown item in parse_stack : HTML::Template::DEFAULT at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/HTML/ line 3120.
	HTML::Template::output(HTML::Template=HASH(0x56447923c228)) called at /cgi-bin/ line 639
	main::main(undef) called at /cgi-bin/ line 180

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